Minnkota, PRC Wind announce development of Flickertail Wind Farm
The community-initiated wind project is scheduled to start construction by 2027 and is expected to inject $100 million into the local economy.

Red Lake buses go green
Beltrami Electric Cooperative member Red Lake Schools has acquired Minnesota’s first electric buses to serve schools in tribal communities.

A powerful brotherhood
A group of Minnkota siblings built upon a family legacy during the Milton R. Young Station maintenance outage this fall.

NERC: Nation’s electric grid at elevated risk during extreme winter weather
In a new report from the North American Electric Reliability Corporation, elevated risk comes as more dispatchable generation sources are retired.

Road trip for restoration
This October, 10 Minnkota member-cooperative lineworkers hit the road to South Carolina to provide mutual aid following Hurricane Helene.

Minnkota Board approves 2025 budget and rates
Minnkota Board of Directors approved the cooperative’s capital and operating budgets for 2025.