
Minnkota hosts Feed My Starving Children mobile event

Local volunteers and Minnkota employees help pack more than 400,000 meals for undernourished children around the world.


Minnkota Power Cooperative


April 29, 2019

The tunes were blasting, hands were helping and hearts were warming at Minnkota's corporate campus last weekend.

Hundreds of Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) volunteers from around the region gathered April 26-28 to help pack 419,000 meals for the nonprofit organization. That's enough to feed 1,150 children for a year.

Groups from schools, churches and businesses from all over Minnkota's service area gathered for the event, including this crew from U.S. Bank. (Kevin Jeffrey/Minnkota)
A FMSC mobile pack organizer looks on as a volunteer group receives orientation in Minnkota's conference center. (Kevin Jeffrey/Minnkota)

Founded in 1987, FMSC provides nutritionally complete meals specifically formulated for malnourished children across the world. This was the ninth year the mobile packing event has been held in Grand Forks, but the first at Minnkota.

Minnkota was heavily involved in the event, with some employees packing food while others drove forklifts, moved pallets or ushered volunteers from orientation to the fleet garage packing area. Some employees gave cash donations to FMSC.

“We heard so much positive feedback about our new location," said Jodie Storhaug, one of the FMSC local organizers.

Minnkota would like to thank all of its employee volunteers who helped make this a successful event.

Several local school groups found that many hands make quick work when it comes to community service. (Kevin Jeffrey/Minnkota)
Minnkota employees also got in on the fun, carefully scooping, measuring and bagging scientifically formulated meals of rice, soy and vegetables. (Kevin Jeffrey/Minnkota)
By the end of the three-day event, volunteers had packed enough pallets of meals to feed 1,150 children for a year. (Kevin Jeffrey/Minnkota)


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