
The best stress test
Minnkota and its members had an opportunity to prepare for the worst during the national GridEx event.

The quest for continuous improvement
Minnkota hosted its first industry peer review in June, welcoming energy experts from across North America.

Cyber Madness strikes at Minnkota headquarters
Middle school students put their cyber skills to the test in first-ever competition.

‘A culture of compliance’
Minnkota has logged another successful NERC audit thanks to the cooperative's strong leadership and proactive planning.

Minnkota shows grit and growth during GridEx
A nationwide exercise has become one of the best ways for employees to prepare for the worst.

Looking beyond the digital walls
The security of today's grid requires new collaborative strategies - and Minnkota's cybersecurity team is a step ahead in the proccess.

Buyer beware
Minnkota has strengthened its supply chain to navigate COVID-19 and new cybersecurity standards.

Minnkota named “Best Place to Work” for young professionals
It is the first time the cooperative has received the Greater Grand Forks Young Professionals’ Grow Grand Award.

A decade in review
Minnkota will celebrate 80 years of power generation and transmission in 2020, but the past decade has been among the most dynamic in the cooperative’s history.

Strengthening cybersecurity
Digital defense takes people power at Minnkota, from education to implementation.