NERC: Nation’s electric grid at elevated risk during extreme winter weather
In a new report from the North American Electric Reliability Corporation, elevated risk comes as more dispatchable generation sources are retired.

Down to the wire
The grid reliability alarms are ringing. How is Minnkota Power Cooperative preparing?

Grid regulators issue warnings about power reliability
The regional grid is facing a high to extreme risk of reliability issues in the next five years, due to fewer resources with reliability attributes.

The best stress test
Minnkota and its members had an opportunity to prepare for the worst during the national GridEx event.

The quest for continuous improvement
Minnkota hosted its first industry peer review in June, welcoming energy experts from across North America.

Minnesota adopts carbon-free mandate
The new law is raising concerns about grid reliability and affordability in cooperative country.

Nation’s electric grid could face winter challenges
A recent NERC assessment says risks grow with the retirement of coal and nuclear generation.

Sounding the alarm on grid reliability
National grid operators and regulators are warning that North Dakota and Minnesota may be at risk of power outages this summer.

‘A culture of compliance’
Minnkota has logged another successful NERC audit thanks to the cooperative's strong leadership and proactive planning.