
‘Critical’ opportunity for North Dakota

Minnkota Power Cooperative is joining industry research partners in capitalizing on rare earth elements.


Project Tundra moves into final development stage

New relationships with TC Energy, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Kiewit position the project for a final investment decision in early 2024.


Fresh power in the old power plant

A new Grand Forks research facility is unearthing an energy future in Minnkota’s energy past.


Minnkota produces Project Tundra video

Minnkota has released a new 12-minute video that tells the story of its carbon capture initiative, Project Tundra.


Finding injection perfection

The latest Project Tundra simulations show promising properties for CO2 injection and storage near Minnkota's Milton R. Young Station.


The precipice of power potential

North Dakota’s Capitol Hill cohort communicated proud support of Project Tundra during a recent tour at Minnkota's Milton R. Young Station.

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