
Our Power

Rebuilding to record-breaking

Focus and investment have driven the best year of power delivery reliability in Minnkota’s history.


NERC: Nation’s electric grid at elevated risk during extreme winter weather

In a new report from the North American Electric Reliability Corporation, elevated risk comes as more dispatchable generation sources are retired.

Our Power

The right way to do rights of way

Minnkota is enhancing its power line corridors with vegetation management and conservation programs.

Our Power

Down to the wire

The grid reliability alarms are ringing. How is Minnkota Power Cooperative preparing?


Rollout of EPA rules threatens electric reliability, affordability

Minnkota Power Cooperative is voicing concern with final power plant rules from EPA.

Our Power

Powerful voices unite

Minnkota recognized the impact of its members, employees and partners during its 84th annual meeting on April 12.


Voices for grid reliability

Electric grid reliability risks are increasing with each passing year. Recently, many of the nation’s grid operators and regulators have begun speaking out about their concerns.


Grid regulators issue warnings about power reliability

The regional grid is facing a high to extreme risk of reliability issues in the next five years, due to fewer resources with reliability attributes.

Our Power

The best stress test

Minnkota and its members had an opportunity to prepare for the worst during the national GridEx event.

Our Power

Welcoming Walle

Minnkota’s new transmission substation will both fortify power reliability and support regional load growth.


'The math does not add up' on EPA carbon proposal

A new EPA power plant proposal could put grid reliability at risk.


Project Tundra moves into final development stage

New relationships with TC Energy, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Kiewit position the project for a final investment decision in early 2024.

Our Power

Energy for every season

Minnkota and its energy marketing team are prepared for the regional energy market’s new four-season approach to resource planning.


A cut above the rest

The new Bemidji Steel Company facility has helped to put a laser focus on the benefits of doing business in Beltrami Electric Cooperative territory.


Powering the journey ahead

Minnkota held its 83rd annual meeting on March 31, on the cusp of incredible industry transformation.


Minnesota adopts carbon-free mandate

The new law is raising concerns about grid reliability and affordability in cooperative country.

Our Power

Building a legacy

Minnkota's power production partner BNI coal commissioned the world's newest 757 dragline in Center, North Dakota.


Nation’s electric grid could face winter challenges

A recent NERC assessment says risks grow with the retirement of coal and nuclear generation.

Our Power

Major outage insight

Minnkota’s Young Station team has successfully navigated another lengthy maintenance outage with planning and teamwork.

Our Power

Pecking disorder

A transmission line rebuilt by Minnkota Power Cooperative will be protected from woodpecker-caused challenges.


Minnkota, NRECA CEOs publish op-ed on reliability

Minnkota CEO Mac McLennan and NRECA CEO Jim Matheson published a joint opinion column focused on projected grid challenges and what can be done to maintain electric reliability.


Sounding the alarm on grid reliability

National grid operators and regulators are warning that North Dakota and Minnesota may be at risk of power outages this summer.

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