
A powerful brotherhood
A group of Minnkota siblings built upon a family legacy during the Milton R. Young Station maintenance outage this fall.

Reclaiming the land
BNI Coal’s land reclamation processes continue to evolve with the changing needs of local farmers and landowners.

Capturing magic in coal country
Glen Ullin’s Abrasives Inc. harnesses the benefits of Minnkota bottom ash in its signature blasting material.

Rollout of EPA rules threatens electric reliability, affordability
Minnkota Power Cooperative is voicing concern with final power plant rules from EPA.

Grid regulators issue warnings about power reliability
The regional grid is facing a high to extreme risk of reliability issues in the next five years, due to fewer resources with reliability attributes.

‘Critical’ opportunity for North Dakota
Minnkota Power Cooperative is joining industry research partners in capitalizing on rare earth elements.

'The math does not add up' on EPA carbon proposal
A new EPA power plant proposal could put grid reliability at risk.

Minnesota adopts carbon-free mandate
The new law is raising concerns about grid reliability and affordability in cooperative country.

Building a legacy
Minnkota's power production partner BNI coal commissioned the world's newest 757 dragline in Center, North Dakota.

Nation’s electric grid could face winter challenges
A recent NERC assessment says risks grow with the retirement of coal and nuclear generation.

Minnkota, NRECA CEOs publish op-ed on reliability
Minnkota CEO Mac McLennan and NRECA CEO Jim Matheson published a joint opinion column focused on projected grid challenges and what can be done to maintain electric reliability.

Sounding the alarm on grid reliability
National grid operators and regulators are warning that North Dakota and Minnesota may be at risk of power outages this summer.

‘Keep calm and outage on’
Milton R. Young Station employees have once again used a major planned outage to keep Unit 1 strong and reliable.

Fresh power in the old power plant
A new Grand Forks research facility is unearthing an energy future in Minnkota’s energy past.

Driving the dialogue on grid reliability
With grid challenges coming into focus, Minnkota leaders are working to chart a path forward.

Minnkota and Jamestown students partner for improvement
University of Jamestown engineers-in-training used a senior project to help enhance Minnkota's plant systems.

Minnkota produces Project Tundra video
Minnkota has released a new 12-minute video that tells the story of its carbon capture initiative, Project Tundra.

Finding injection perfection
The latest Project Tundra simulations show promising properties for CO2 injection and storage near Minnkota's Milton R. Young Station.

Young Station Unit 1 celebrates 50 years
On Nov. 20, Minnkota’s Milton R. Young Station will mark 50 years of generating reliable and affordable electric power for the region.

The precipice of power potential
North Dakota’s Capitol Hill cohort communicated proud support of Project Tundra during a recent tour at Minnkota's Milton R. Young Station.

Project Tundra progress continues amid pandemic
The carbon capture initiative is finding the support and partners needed for ultimate success.

Minnkota celebrates 80th anniversary
Join Minnkota Power Cooperative in reflecting on an eight-decade history of powering North Dakota and Minnesota.

Polar vortex reflections
Many regional energy entities learned lessons from the cold weather Maximum Generation Event of January 2019.

Power of coal-laboration
Minnkota and BNI Coal have been building a stronger relationship around optimizing plant and mine practices – and it’s paying off.

All in for the outage
Milton R. Young Station leaders leverage team coordination and adaptability for safe and successful planned outages.

A decade in review
Minnkota will celebrate 80 years of power generation and transmission in 2020, but the past decade has been among the most dynamic in the cooperative’s history.

Milton R. Young Station receives safety honor
Minnkota’s power generation facility has earned the Lignite Energy Council’s Distinguished Safety Award.

Minnkota receives DOE grant for Project Tundra
Minnkota has received $9.8 million in federal grant funding to move forward on a Project Tundra design study.

Deep dive for data
A geophysical survey seeks to shake out vital subsurface information for North Dakota carbon storage projects like Project Tundra.

Minnkota sponsors teacher for Lignite Education Seminar
Minnkota continued its tradition of helping a local teacher attend a four-day summit on lignite coal's place in our region's economy.

Covering new ground
Minnkota generation partner BNI Coal will research and test ways to improve its already award-winning reclamation processes.