
Red Lake buses go green
Beltrami Electric Cooperative member Red Lake Schools has acquired Minnesota’s first electric buses to serve schools in tribal communities.

Department of Energy awards initial funding to Project Tundra
The $4.2 million award is the first installment of up to $350 million made available to the project in late 2023.

Minnkota selected to continue forward in New ERA program
Minnkota is now one of 16 cooperatives with access to $7.3 billion in federal funding for carbon-reduction projects.

The right way to do rights of way
Minnkota is enhancing its power line corridors with vegetation management and conservation programs.

Reclaiming the land
BNI Coal’s land reclamation processes continue to evolve with the changing needs of local farmers and landowners.

Capturing magic in coal country
Glen Ullin’s Abrasives Inc. harnesses the benefits of Minnkota bottom ash in its signature blasting material.

Rollout of EPA rules threatens electric reliability, affordability
Minnkota Power Cooperative is voicing concern with final power plant rules from EPA.

'The math does not add up' on EPA carbon proposal
A new EPA power plant proposal could put grid reliability at risk.

Project Tundra moves into final development stage
New relationships with TC Energy, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Kiewit position the project for a final investment decision in early 2024.

Powering the journey ahead
Minnkota held its 83rd annual meeting on March 31, on the cusp of incredible industry transformation.

Minnesota adopts carbon-free mandate
The new law is raising concerns about grid reliability and affordability in cooperative country.

Minnkota hosts Project Tundra landowner meeting
Around 75 attendees gathered for the informational presentation in Center, N.D., to learn about the carbon capture initiative.

Harnessing the grit of the grass
A Red River Valley Co-op Power business member is using native landscaping to improve the ecology of the prairie.

CEO McLennan speaks on direct-pay incentives (LiveWire)
Minnkota president and CEO Mac McLennan recently spoke with NRECA's LiveWire about the opportunities direct-pay tax incentives could hold for Minnkota's Project Tundra.

Minnkota, NRECA CEOs publish op-ed on reliability
Minnkota CEO Mac McLennan and NRECA CEO Jim Matheson published a joint opinion column focused on projected grid challenges and what can be done to maintain electric reliability.

Minnkota and Summit Carbon Solutions announce CO2 storage partnership
The agreement will accelerate development of the largest fully permitted carbon storage site in the United States and position major carbon capture and storage projects for success.

Grid operators, regulators forecast reliability risks
The evolving energy transition represents challenges and opportunities for Minnkota and the industry as a whole.

Minnkota receives CO2 storage permit from NDIC
The permit approval will help advance the cooperative’s Project Tundra carbon capture initiative.

RE Magazine features Shannon Mikula
Minnkota special projects counsel Shannon Mikula has been named one of 20 “Co-op Rising Stars” by RE Magazine.

Driving the dialogue on grid reliability
With grid challenges coming into focus, Minnkota leaders are working to chart a path forward.

Successful sessions
Minnkota and its cooperative members are celebrating major energy legislation recently passed in North Dakota and Minnesota.

Minnkota produces Project Tundra video
Minnkota has released a new 12-minute video that tells the story of its carbon capture initiative, Project Tundra.

Finding injection perfection
The latest Project Tundra simulations show promising properties for CO2 injection and storage near Minnkota's Milton R. Young Station.

Young Station Unit 1 celebrates 50 years
On Nov. 20, Minnkota’s Milton R. Young Station will mark 50 years of generating reliable and affordable electric power for the region.

The precipice of power potential
North Dakota’s Capitol Hill cohort communicated proud support of Project Tundra during a recent tour at Minnkota's Milton R. Young Station.

Project Tundra progress continues amid pandemic
The carbon capture initiative is finding the support and partners needed for ultimate success.

Project Tundra receives $17 million from DOE
The U.S. Department of Energy has awarded funding to the Energy and Environmental Research Center for the next research phase of Project Tundra.

Data from the depths
New 3D geophysical survey results will help clear another hurdle for Project Tundra's future.

Minnkota celebrates 80th anniversary
Join Minnkota Power Cooperative in reflecting on an eight-decade history of powering North Dakota and Minnesota.

A decade in review
Minnkota will celebrate 80 years of power generation and transmission in 2020, but the past decade has been among the most dynamic in the cooperative’s history.

Minnkota receives DOE grant for Project Tundra
Minnkota has received $9.8 million in federal grant funding to move forward on a Project Tundra design study.

Deep dive for data
A geophysical survey seeks to shake out vital subsurface information for North Dakota carbon storage projects like Project Tundra.

Revamped to recycle
Six Minnesota counties are now bringing their garbage to a unique and efficient waste and recyclable material processing facility in Fosston.

Covering new ground
Minnkota generation partner BNI Coal will research and test ways to improve its already award-winning reclamation processes.

Project Tundra forges ahead
Carbon capture research continues to gain momentum at Minnkota's Milton R. Young Station with the help of industry partners.

Gov. Burgum signs carbon capture bill
The tax exemption legislation will help North Dakota's coal-based power facilities move forward with carbon capture efforts.

Hoeven introduces Carbon Capture Modernization Act
Proposed legislation could better support Minnkota's Project Tundra efforts for carbon capture and sequestration.